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Xbox Series S Console - 512 GB (White) at Currys Discussion Forum

Here's what people are saying about Xbox Series S Console - 512 GB (White) at Currys

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administrator9/22/2020 2:45:


  • Please DO NOT rely on receiving an email or push notification alert to find you stock. We will send notifications on a case by case basis. It is pointless us sending thousands of notifications if a retailer only has a few units of stock which get snapped up almost immediately. Just leads to further frustration.
  • For very high demand products, don't be surprised if stock sells out in seconds. An online store may have only made a single unit available.
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  • Please do not attempt to sell on this forum. There is another well known website for that. Offending posts will be deleted and user accounts suspended without notice.
  • Please refer to our FAQs for further answers to common questions.

Thanks, Admin


guest94438311/14/2020 1:18:

For those still looking I've just managed to order a Series S with the 3 month game pass in the last few minutes Order confirmation received.


guest1020959 11/14/2020 2:01:

The item just disappears from basket. How did you manage to order?


lewisorton 11/14/2020 2:07:

Yeah I've been trying all day and it just disappears Sad


lewisorton 11/14/2020 2:07:

Or it says there's an error when adding to basket


guest944383 11/14/2020 3:11:

Xboxstockaa I tried a few times before it worked. Also tried all the other versions showing with extra controller and so on.. For me It suggests they are adding them in dribs and drabs so I guess I just caught it at the right time. For the first few attemps it let me get as far as confirmation the items had been added to basket but wouldn't let me progress to payment ... I've just tried to see if I could get one to the payment stage and got: ''There has been a problem adding this item to your basket. Please close this message and try again.'' I'm sure they'll keep added them so best of luck and hope you manage to get one.


guest1020959 11/14/2020 3:20:

Thanks for your help 👍


guest101011711/14/2020 11:27

Got mine today was amazing piece of kit


lisa8811/15/2020 11:02

Anyone after the series s the bundles are available on curry’s website to purchase now


lisa88 11/15/2020 11:06



lewisorton 11/15/2020 11:11

Yeah theyve been like that all day yesterday but you cant actually buy any. Unless youve managed to?


lisa88 11/15/2020 11:20

Yes if you go on the website it kicks it out of the basket, click the link on here and it takes you to the app then add it to wish list then log in on the normal website and add to basket that way takes you through to purchase


lewisorton 11/15/2020 11:59

OMG thank you!! This actually worked! Had to use a private browser thing for it to work for some reason though. So I opened the link in the app (which you can press the currys logo near the url on samsung phones) Added it to my list Opened a private window tab Logged into currys and went on my list Then added it to basket from there And it worked!! I did try in a normal window but got an error message. Ive had a confirmation email too - i wonder when I'll turn up... it says 3-5 days delivery so it should be here 20th. Fingers crossed


lisa88 11/15/2020 12:26

Your very welcome, pleased you managed to get one 👍🏻


aphideous 11/15/2020 1:28:

I got one this way too. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't had an email confirmation from Currys yet though so not getting my hopes up. Also my PayPal receipt doesn't say what the item is, just the amount paid. Will update if I hear anything!


aphideous 11/15/2020 1:53:

Confirmation email from Currys has now been received.


kyeratcliffe 11/15/2020 3:13:

Can confirm this works. If you're short of cash make sure you purchase on cr*dit in case this order gets canceled.


lewisorton 11/15/2020 3:56:

I asked the currys live chat when delivery is expected and the guy said this.... : Thank you for waiting! I’d be happy to help you with this. As per system check item is not available in our stock for delivery because you have choose a bundle order and we are expecting delivery by Friday 20 November 2020 Small item(s) because item is unavailable due to huge number of order placed for pre orders. In this case I would suggest you please wait for 48 hours because our stock will updated on daily basis and you will receive the delivery confirmation soon in your registered email id with tracking number. .... If you can make sense of it!


carlangela1 11/15/2020 4:49:

i cant find a wishlist option on laptop arrrgghhh


administrator 11/15/2020 5:09:

A word of caution here, just because there appears to be a workaround to get a successful order through, it doesn't mean they actually have stock and you will get the order anytime soon.


lewisorton 11/15/2020 5:19:

Yes I will keep you updated on what they say! And the bundles arent actually out of stock on their website so who knows!


guest486047 11/15/2020 6:17:

Just worked using the method above for me. Confirmation email and order processed email received. As above says expected delivery by Friday. I've got my fingers crossed. Had a nightmare with Amazon actually losing my series s pre order on the day of delivery so hopefully luck is about to turn.


aphideous 11/15/2020 6:21:

I'll rest easy when my despatch notification comes through. I think they've just 'forgot' to turn off the option to buy the bundle considering the effort we had to go to to actually order it. Also find it strange that you can't buy the console alone, but can get a bundle? Fingers crossed though! I paid with PayPal cr*dit in case anything goes wrong so I won't lose money waiting around for refunds


guest486047 11/15/2020 6:27:

Agree. It doesn't mean much until that dispatch email comes through. They do have a little disclaimer on the order acknowledgement email of "all orders subject to stock availability". Have a feeling someone's going to come in to work tomorrow at Currys with a job on their hands of sorting these orders out!


aphideous 11/15/2020 6:34:

Yeah I noticed that on the email too. I'll be surprised if we get them. I saw people chatting on the XBX chat on here saying that Currys Business have been cancelling orders today which had been confirmed previously


lewisorton 11/15/2020 8:02:

Yes I'm just waiting to hear about dispatch before i believe ive got my hands on one! I thought the guy would know something from the currys chat but Ive spoken to him a few times and he doesnt really make much sense. But it's nice to have some hope anyway


aphideous 11/18/2020 2:27:

Received today. Thank you very much Lisa


andydavey9011/15/2020 4:22:

I've just ordered the same way also confirmation email straight after fingers crossed we get one 🤞 what are your thoughts on it ?


carlangela1 11/15/2020 4:45:

i cant find a wishlist option on laptop arrrgghhh


andydavey90 11/15/2020 5:03:

Should be just below the console with a heart


carlangela1 11/15/2020 5:37:

no, nothing, free delivery and collection , price, flexi cr*dit etc but no heart


strummerjoe11/16/2020 8:47:

I’ve used the same method email received immediately, expect delivery by Friday 20th November.


guest102112811/16/2020 9:31:

Anybody had dispatch confirmation yet? Or even order cancellation?


lewisorton 11/16/2020 9:39:

Nothing yet. I doubt that I'll be getting it on the 20th as they predicted


guest1021128 11/16/2020 10:03

I have the same doubts, hope they get it to us asap!


andydavey90 11/16/2020 10:24

Fingers crossed ive had no cancellation yet 🤞


lewisorton 11/16/2020 11:05

So I have chatted on facebook messenger to currys and the basically sent the same standard message about the order. They said again theyre expecting delivery on the 20th but i think that's delivery to currys not to us!


lewisorton 11/16/2020 11:30

"We are expecting stock around the 20th, but this is subject to change, if all goes to plan then they should be allocated within the following 48 hours, and delivery would follow after that, but as i said, we are awaiting the stock arriving currently, Eliot"...... This is what theyve just said so it looks I'll be after the 20th!


lissykins11/16/2020 9:54:

Hi. Im unable to use the link provided below. Any help please? Thanks so much


lewisorton 11/16/2020 10:10

Just use the links from the stockinformer page


lissykins 11/16/2020 10:44

Thank you so much.


sahunus11/17/2020 7:24:

Currys lost my parcel D:


guest102112811/17/2020 8:43:

Anyone who's ordered bundles, have you had any update yet? I was told yesterday that it was being picked and should be dispatched shortly but idk if I believe lol


andydavey90 11/17/2020 8:48:

No update for me yet still saying order confirmed


lewisorton 11/17/2020 9:20:

Mines still order confirmed too


guest1021128 11/17/2020 9:36:

Hopefully we get an update soon


andydavey90 11/17/2020 9:37:

Not looking good as they have taken the bundles of the website now :/


lewisorton 11/17/2020 9:39:

Well they probably should have taken them off a few days ago haha


andydavey90 11/17/2020 9:47:

Haha kick right off if they cancel the orders we all should 😂


guest486047 11/17/2020 10:04

Still on order confirmed. But only ordered on Sunday evening. What about everyone else? If it comes within a week or so I'm dead happy.


guest1021128 11/17/2020 10:09

Order confirmed, also ordered on sunday. Just waiting hopefully but i have my doubts lol


andydavey90 11/17/2020 10:10

Same i think they would have been cancelled by now if dodnt have stock


acjones11/17/2020 9:51:

Ordered on 11th will delivery expected by today. Ordered changed status multiple times and was replaced at one point but with same product. Had pretty much given up but it arrived at about 8 this morning!


gazloz 11/17/2020 10:00

I am the exact same and its due today. Did you any dispatch notification?


guest107518311/17/2020 12:02

This is now in stock in certain areas for click and collect.


guest102112811/17/2020 12:14

In stock for collection in some areas, hopefully a good sign that they have stock for our bundles!


andydavey90 11/17/2020 12:17

Wicked should be fine then


guest1021128 11/17/2020 12:18

yeah that seems like a good sign that they've got stock in


guest46265911/17/2020 3:47:

Bought on Saturday , mine got updated to dispatched with a Royal Mail tracking number. Hopefully few more days.


guest486047 11/17/2020 3:51:

That's good news ! Did you do the bundle method and use the wishlist on the app then in to the basket on your browser?


guest1021128 11/17/2020 3:53:

That's very promising! Would love to know if you did the bundle method too^^


guest462659 11/17/2020 3:58:

Actually I did not know about this method. But I added some other items to the basket and it worked on the 3rd attempt. Ordered mine at around 2-3 pm on Saturday. I did not get email notification that it is dispatched but the account got updated with the tracking number.


guest1021128 11/17/2020 4:12:

Nice, where did was it they updated the tracking number?


guest462659 11/17/2020 4:23:

If you login to your account and check order details you should be able to see your current status. Mine got updated at around 2 pm.


guest1021128 11/17/2020 4:30:

Legend, thanks


guest100434811/18/2020 7:40:

Series S available on currys now!!!


guest102112811/18/2020 8:37:

My bundle has been dispatched!! I've been given two different tracking numbers, been sent with royal mail 48 so might get it by the end of the week


guest486047 11/18/2020 8:44:

Exact same mate. Hopefully on the last leg now


guest1021128 11/18/2020 8:52:

Love to see it!


andydavey90 11/18/2020 9:04:

Mine still saying order confirmed hopegully have q update on it today


jayjop11/18/2020 8:47:

Just had my Xbox delivered from Currys, ordered it on Sunday using the bundle method below and it seems to work! Thanks again guys and hope you get yours soon!


guest1021128 11/18/2020 8:52:

Enjoy mate!


andydavey9011/18/2020 9:30:

What time did you all order the bundle deals in Sunday?tia


guest1021128 11/18/2020 9:43:

I ordered at about 5pm


andydavey90 11/18/2020 10:05

What bundle did you order


guest1021128 11/18/2020 11:04

I ordered the bundle with the 3 months game pass


andydavey90 11/18/2020 11:17

Yea same as me


aphideous11/18/2020 2:29:

My bundle has just arrived. Ordered it Sunday 1pm with the blue controller. Thank you very much to Lisa88 for the work around


andydavey90 11/18/2020 3:20:

Enjoy !


guest486047 11/18/2020 4:21:

That's awesome. Did you get royal mail 48 tracking and did that update over the last couple of days?


aphideous 11/18/2020 6:15:

It was DPD. I got an email late last night (11ish) saying it had been dispatched. Logged into my DPD app and both packages were there, on their way to my local depot. Worth noting that the extra controller was sent separately but they’ve arrived together today Smile


[email protected] 11/18/2020 7:47:

Hi I’ve got my controller but no Xbox, when did you get your Xbox?


strummerjoe11/18/2020 7:22:

Ordered Game Pass bundle on 16th November had an email saying that they had dispatched the small item(s) shown below from my order number. I took this to mean a game pass voucher was on the way. Looking further down the email there are 2 tracking codes. Hopefully this means that the console is on its way too. Royal Mail Tracked 48 is courier. Should be here by Friday if I’m lucky.


guest486047 11/20/2020 9:01:

How did yours work out? I ordered the game pass bundle on 15th. Got two separate tracking codes. One says it's coming tomorrow. The other says on Monday. I contacted Currys and the guy said the one tomorrow is the console. Whichever way it ends up I've just got my fingers crossed.


guest118623711/25/2020 1:41:

Any idea when there will be series s stock at any of the stores?


thetuna 11/25/2020 3:41:

I managed to purchase the bundle with an additional gamepad on the 19th. Just keep checking.


guest110242211/25/2020 11:34

They have stock of Series S now at Currys. Unfortunately it's a series X I'm after so no good to me. You need to click on the series X stock checker to see them


guest1102422 11/25/2020 11:36

Sorry I meant Game


lissykins12/1/2020 6:33:

Stock on amazon UK now


myself99912/5/2020 2:36:

Does Currys have the Series S in stores or is it just online?


vortexhd 12/6/2020 12:54

Just online


guest95681412/8/2020 12:44

Can I get an email when Xbox series s is in stock please


fishert12/9/2020 8:27:

Anyone order an xbox series s last week? Curry are saying its dispatched with a royal mail tracking number but Royal mail have advised they are yet to receive the item. Wonder if they sold me a console without the stock?


bradeley valiant 12/9/2020 11:47

Currys 👎 I'm the same, still waiting.


the7thelf 12/9/2020 7:18:

I ordered on the "S" version console from Currys on 6th December and it arrived today (9th December)


guest154248 12/10/2020 8:21:

Same here said dispatching last Saturday with a tracking number but hasnt made it to royal mail yet.


guest1256847 12/10/2020 12:16

I had the same - contacted Currys yesterday to be told they have 'lost the device' and I won't be getting it. I've asked for a replacement and have been given no updates as to when I'll get it - worse I bought it for my sons 11th birthday which is Sat and now I have nothing to give him! Currys are an awful company....clearly sold more units than they had stock


fishert 12/10/2020 1:46:

Thats a nightmare mate! Honestly never missed just walking into a store and collecting a physical copy myself so much! Mines now been delayed til 17th December apparently.


guest1256847 12/10/2020 3:42:

At least you got a revised date!! Just managed to order one from least I can show him its ordered and coming. Know what you mean about walking into a store


f currys 12/10/2020 4:44:

Mine was ordered on the 14th November and was 'lost' as well. Received an email saying it will be sent out as soon as they have stock. They've restocked twice since then.


fishert 12/11/2020 11:16

Royal Mail are completely useless on delivery at the moment. Yesterday received my parcel into Northampton Hub (my county) advised it was delayed til 17th December and now on tracking its heading up to Warrington... I give up.


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