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Xbox Series X Console at Smyths Discussion Forum

Here's what people are saying about Xbox Series X Console at Smyths

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administrator11/11/2020 10:17


  • Please DO NOT rely on receiving an email or push notification alert to find you stock. We will send notifications on a case by case basis. It is pointless us sending thousands of notifications if a retailer only has a few units of stock which get snapped up almost immediately. Just leads to further frustration.
  • For very high demand products, don't be surprised if stock sells out in seconds. An online store may have only made a single unit available.
  • Any irregular page refreshing or bot activity will result in an automatic permanent block from our server.
  • Please do not attempt to sell on this forum. There is another well known website for that. Offending posts will be deleted and user accounts suspended without notice.
  • Please refer to our FAQs for further answers to common questions.

Thanks, Admin


urb4ncasuelzz11/21/2020 12:13

If you are still looking for an Xbox look for the rest of today and tomorrow but a news page called video games chronicles said that there will be another drop on the 27th of November for retailers but they haven’t said which specific retailers tho


tom bush11/21/2020 12:36

just changed to in stock at 12:30 for a few moments. all gone now.


tom bush 11/21/2020 12:42

12:33 to be precise


[email protected] 11/21/2020 12:55

How did you get one? Did you just happen to be on the website as it went live on there? Any tips for getting one and what are bots? Is that software that automatically buys it?


tom bush 11/21/2020 1:01:

I have a program that autimatically refreshes pages every few seconds and checks for changes. I get an alert whenever "out of stock" changes to "in stock" for example. Regardless of the news retailers are sold out until mid december, I can tell you that retailers are getting stock at irregular times almost on a daily basis. I think its when orders are cancelled by a customer, the stock goes back in stock but you have to be very lucky and quick to grab it. And yea, bots are being used to automatically place multiple orders at once as soon as they go in stock. I think the bots even bypass the whole checkout/cart system we humans have to fight through.


tom bush 11/21/2020 1:03:

also, I didn't get one, I was too slow! I was doing the washing when I got the alert.


emmalou2088 11/21/2020 1:37:

Been in and out of stock all day on smyths keep checking I managed to get one on click and collect at 11:15 today


jj15311/21/2020 4:14:

Just came in and out of stock. managed to get one in the basket but was sold out immediately


salvo4zero11/21/2020 4:28:

Why does it not allow you to change the click and collect store location on the site ?


laverton 11/21/2020 4:59:

It works for me.Tried it 10 minutes ago.


salvo4zero 11/21/2020 5:42:

Just greyed out for me strange won’t let me change it from Leeds crown point


ml3011/21/2020 5:30:

Does anyone know what time these are going to be restocked again? Been refreshing all day but no luck


guest1156669 11/21/2020 5:33:

Same I have refreshed like 4 different websites all day and not seen any in stock what so ever to even be able to add to basket


ml30 11/21/2020 5:34:

That’s the same for me. You’d think in the run up to Christmas they’d make sure they had enough stock


guest255551 11/21/2020 6:03:

Looks like the stock thats videogamechronicle said was coming today actuwlly dropped last night. Ive been trying all dsy but no luck. It dropped at about 22:30 last night so maybe same again tonight?


ml30 11/21/2020 6:13:

Thanks will keep an eye out tonight Smile

N 11/21/2020 6:32:

Well I spent all last night refreshing Smyths then at 1.40 my basket turned green I refreshed to make sure wasn’t a glitch and had nothing since


turbooo 11/21/2020 10:23

Same as you and the rest. Just waiting for stock. Doesn't look likely to be fair.


guest107507411/21/2020 8:23:

I think due to Covid not as many have been made due to supplier and factory closure. Sign o the times unfortunately but been driven mad with the alerts but nowt there! It’s only a game people so don’t stress!


buzzbeepee 11/22/2020 12:21

Only if you're buying for yourself.


guest969439 11/22/2020 1:30:

They’re made in China

N 11/21/2020 8:45:

My add to basket went green at 20.15 added one to basket home delivery clicked checkout then it all went red n out of stock😭probably a glitch.


aphideous11/21/2020 8:58:

Hotstock website/app is quicker than this one


bricklife11/22/2020 12:39

For any that managed to get one around 10:30pm on 20th Nov, check the DPD tracking. Mine says it should arrive on Monday now, not the predicted 1st Dec


guest108360311/22/2020 2:02:

Is there gonna be a drop any time soon?


drandyt11/22/2020 7:35:

Are Smyths in UK doing Click and Collect? Got 3 so far in Ireland one for me and 2 for family. Just clicking refresh for about 20 min each day then picking up in store. Just have account cratered and billing info already added for speedy checkout.


karllfc11/22/2020 9:04:

just dropped in st helens and northampton


karllfc 11/22/2020 9:05:

7 in st helends and 10 in northampton


karllfc 11/22/2020 9:14:

and again in meadowhall


guest989021 11/22/2020 9:22:

It’s still showing out of stock at Meadowhall?


karllfc 11/22/2020 9:26:

because they went within 2 minutes


guest989021 11/22/2020 9:32:

Oh ok


tom bush11/22/2020 9:40:

Between 7.45am and 9am there were around 6 stores restocked with around 7 units each. They tend to go live one at a time. There was Leeds, Liverpool, Doncaster, St Helens, Southampton, Northampton off the top of my head. Keep checking around these times obviously this is there morning delivery and their pushing to stores probably due to click and collect being available during the pandemic.


danr995 11/22/2020 9:48:

I don’t think they’re restocks. My friend works at Smyths and said at his branch the have 20 consoles that have been preordered but not collected. They have to keep them for 20 days before putting them online for reallocation. This is good news though, it means we should see more forfeitures of preorders as we move closer to the 30th (20 days after release date)


tom bush 11/22/2020 10:08

Yes definitely cancellations, thats what i meant, I just mean that theyre being sent to stores for click and collect instead of to the main warehouses for online delivery.


barney17 11/22/2020 10:08

I think they are restocks, the ones turning up this morning nearer me are popping up in an order that suggests they are being delivered in a driving route way.


tom bush 11/22/2020 10:11

Would they restock such a small numer per store?


piggy151 11/22/2020 10:16

I got one from st Helen’s this morning there was 6 in stock.


danr995 11/22/2020 10:20

Maybe they would restock in such small quantities? They are heavily sought after nearly £500 a piece. If the trucks are delivering stock anyway might aswell add them. Who knows. Congrats everyone who got one today! I'm going to pick mine up as soon as it turns 1030.


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 9:59:

Milton Keynes Farnham Just had 10 ea


barney17 11/22/2020 10:04

Got one!


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 10:00

Telford has some


l@l12311/22/2020 10:03

Has anyone been able to do with the new restocks on all access?? I have had them in my basket today and gone through to payment, but it doesn’t show as an option??


karllfc 11/22/2020 10:14

I was hoping to do that as well, but don’t think they’re doing anymore.


guest1012918 11/22/2020 11:00

I tried couple of times today it seems the click and collect does not refresh the all access site quickly enough for it to go through. So you wont get any luck today I'm afraid. Your best bet is if they are going to have a big stock for deliveries on Black Friday hopefully. I'm just trying to get one on click and collect for cash at this point even though I was hoping for all access


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 10:21

I’ve just got one at Mansfield they had 9 in it’s definitely possible guys don’t give up


tomblues6 11/22/2020 10:23

This may seem stupid but it doesn’t let me change store?


barney17 11/22/2020 10:30

No it’s a pain. Open another tab, look for £1 playing cards, use the click and collect on them to change store then go back to the tab with the Xbox.


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 10:44

7 at crawley


guest1083603 11/22/2020 10:47

U sure I can’t see any at crawley


jn11/22/2020 10:46

All England and Wales so far, none in NI or Scotland?


ml30 11/22/2020 10:48

I haven’t been able to get one in wales either so far


jn 11/22/2020 10:51

They were in Swansea 10/20 minutes ago.


guest1083603 11/22/2020 10:52

Is that gonna be it for the day?


jn 11/22/2020 10:53

In Swansea? I would guess so.


guest1083603 11/22/2020 10:53

Possibly elsewhere?


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 10:58

They were defo showing seems to be about 1-3 mins window to buy them before there gone


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 10:59

I got one at Mansfield which is 1.5h away from me and it’s ready to collect already so they must be re stocks from failed collections


tomblues6 11/22/2020 11:09

Is there no delivery?


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 11:01

Make sure u set in an account and have as much info as poss loaded in to save time and ur card already set up to ur phone to go through as fast as poss


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 11:03

Ash Ford 1


guest108360311/22/2020 11:05

Just dropped in Gloucester


tomblues6 11/22/2020 11:07

Every store says none in stock?


guest940912 11/22/2020 11:46

Nooooo. I'm in Gloucester and missed it Sad


guest1083603 11/22/2020 12:39

There was 4 and I managed to get 1 then gone


putting years on me this 11/22/2020 11:11

U have to be fast u have 1-2 mins to put it in ur basket and pay if not there all gone that fast


tomblues6 11/22/2020 11:11

Is there no reservations whilst going through payment?


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