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Nintendo Switch OLED Console (Neon Red/Blue) at Amazon Discussion Forum

Here's what people are saying about Nintendo Switch OLED Console (Neon Red/Blue) at Amazon

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administrator6/3/2020 12:25


  • Please DO NOT rely on receiving an email or push notification alert to find you stock. We will send notifications on a case by case basis. It is pointless us sending thousands of notifications if a retailer only has a few units of stock which get snapped up almost immediately. Just leads to further frustration.
  • For very high demand products, don't be surprised if stock sells out in seconds. An online store may have only made a single unit available.
  • Any irregular page refreshing or bot activity will result in an automatic permanent block from our server.
  • Please do not attempt to sell on this forum. There is another well known website for that. Offending posts will be deleted and user accounts suspended without notice.
  • Please refer to our FAQs for further answers to common questions.

Thanks, Admin


teara4/10/2020 5:44:

It was removed from my basket was paying Sad


guest519449 4/10/2020 5:47:

same Sad


lucy974/10/2020 6:35:

Lost count of how many times this has taken me to an 'empty basket' page Sad


alice.h.4/10/2020 6:38:

always "empty basket"


shtbriker 4/11/2020 3:00:

same here


guest4969714/10/2020 8:03:

I pre ordered this last night, with estimated delivery 29th. This later changed via email to 18th, and just received a second email saying has been dispatched and is arriving 12th!


figuenoire 4/10/2020 9:53:

looking forward to your good news!


unoriginal4/11/2020 1:28:

Every time I get a error even tho I like click the link and add to basket within 10 secs of the stock alert. It's so annoying it was fine earlier I just kept missing them


shtbriker4/11/2020 3:00:

shows "Your Amazon basket is empty" what can I do?


guest519928 4/11/2020 3:03:

Im getting this too! I think people have bots to automatically buy when they get in stock so that they can keep them to resell! We have to wait it out and not buy from the resellers so they would have wasted their money!


covuk 4/11/2020 9:14:

it did that to me several times too, and I also assume it to be caused by the resellers with bots. but I did manage to order one myself just by manual mouse clicks, so good luck


guest515667 4/11/2020 9:36:

Same here. Persevered by clicking through again and again and, after several attempts where it was in my basket and still then sold and went before I clicked through to payment, I eventually got one.


abbiewankenobi4/11/2020 9:48:

I'd been refreshing the page and the second it changed to pre order, I clicked and I had the error message and issue with putting it in my basket. This is super frustrating Sad


cinnamon1992 4/11/2020 9:49:

Same for me- it’s happened a dozen times where I’ve clicked the option to pre order from amazon within seconds of it being available and I also get the error. Either bots or the units aren’t actually there?


beth356 4/11/2020 9:58:

It does that if I’m on my phone or iPad but on my pc it works fine. What device are you using?


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 10:00

Mobile, I'll set up my laptop now! I tried both app and browser.


smokesrowe4/11/2020 9:56:

wow i actualy just got one


beth3564/11/2020 10:01

Gone again now


guest5002824/11/2020 10:55

I got 10


guest522257 4/11/2020 11:23

10 switches??


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 11:23

10? really?


guest520066 4/11/2020 11:36

people like you who mean others can't get any - selfish


guest522359 4/11/2020 11:41

So selfish


guest522359 4/11/2020 11:56

Looks like scalpers are no longer making money as Amazon is restocking so often - have fun playing your 10 consoles


cinnamon19924/11/2020 11:29

Wow I actually got one apparently, will see if it shows up. Tip that worked for me- don't rely on the notification system (just for Amazon) on this site- it's too far behind as there seems to only be a couple of units released at one point which are sold within a couple of seconds. I kept my laptop open and just kept refreshing Amazon over and over again, eventually got one added to my basket where it let me pay after a couple of hours.


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 11:36

Thank you, I will try this!


guest515667 4/11/2020 11:39

I did the same as Laura. Quite often come up but must only be a few at a time as they go very quickly.


guest522359 4/11/2020 11:44

Trying this method now - fingers crossed! Unlike the selfish idiot below, I only want one, not TEN... can we assume they are also likely to be the ones shoving 6 loaves of bread and 5 packs of loo roll in their trolley?? Seems that sadly you need max items set on everything in this country...


guest522359 4/11/2020 12:03

Just got one using Cinnamon's method. Yay! Thanks v much!


guest520066 4/11/2020 12:04

I've been doing this for most of the morning, just switching between neon and grey, and finally!! after loads of managing to get one in my basket, even right up to confirming the order and then it saying an error, Ive finally managed to get an order through! It says expected delivery april 30th but im hoping from other peoples comments it might get moved up to sooner. Just keep persevering! You have to be so quick tho, no hesitating on address/payment method etc


abbiewankenobi4/11/2020 12:08

I'm so annoyed, I managed to get it into my basket and then it prompted me to log in AGAIN before asking if I want the insurance thing... aaaand it's GONE!


phoeb57 4/11/2020 12:09

Exact same just happened to me, endlessly frustrating


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 12:12

It's not fair that scalpers are managing to buy 10 when most are looking to buy just one to keep us sane during lockdown. I won't buy of a scalper because I want to be covered by a guarantee so I hope other people don't give in to them either.


phoeb57 4/11/2020 12:21

Yeah I'm the same, just trying to get one for my partner during lockdown and there's people buying 10 to sell on for double the price, completely unfair that they're even able to purchase that many at a time. Hopefully people see sense and leave them to vibe with their 10 consoles 🙄 Much better to have a guarantee and only pay what they're worth.


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 12:23

Haha I'm actually using my boyfriend's switch right now, but I don't want to get too invested in Animal Crossing on his if I have to start all over again on my own. I did preorder a switch lite in coral because I think they're pretty, but I like being able to dock the console.


phoeb57 4/11/2020 12:30

Yeah I've got AC and it's sooo easy to get sucked in, keep trying for your own if you can! Docking them is definitely an advantage I agree, the coral ones are so pretty though


zobi094/11/2020 12:12

Everytime I try to put it in my basket, it says my basket is empty. And the one time I manage to, it went out of stock half way through payment. Annoying


guest520066 4/11/2020 12:15

Yes this kept happening to me too, just keep trying and eventually you'll get one through!!


fivealice 4/11/2020 12:18

same here


zobi09 4/11/2020 12:18

I hope so! Hope you get one as well


guest5194834/11/2020 12:31

It went into my basket, I was checking out and then as soon as i choose payment it says it cant do it. Happened twice!


abbiewankenobi 4/11/2020 12:34



guest520576 4/11/2020 12:54

same, I might give up - too frustrating


zobi094/11/2020 12:32

Managed to get one. As Cinnamon1992 said, don't rely on the stock informer website updating. It updates after it's out of stock already. Refresh the amazon page constantly. I think Amazon are releasing units few at a time so be quick. It took me many tries to get one after Curry's messed up


phoeb57 4/11/2020 12:37

Curry's messed up mine too! Let me pay for it and then emailed me to tell me they're refunding it cause they oversold. Madness


phoeb574/11/2020 12:53

Just managed to secure a pre-order. If you're sharing an Amazon account, try and set up the default address and payment method to your details so you don't have to mess about at the checkout or choose any other options. I bought mine in 3/4 clicks but you have to be super speedy to secure it and refresh constantly as others have mentioned. Took 5 or 6 times going into the basket and getting an error message at payment before I got one. Hope you all manage to get yours.


guest520576 4/11/2020 12:55

did u use your phone or computer?


phoeb57 4/11/2020 1:04:

I used a Mac laptop as I felt it was easier to keep refreshing via desktop. Don't give up cause it looks like they're releasing small batches every 20/30 mins, I've been trying since 10am and the order went through eventually. Grey ones seem to be easier to get hold of as well so you'll probs have a better chance if that's the colour you're going for. Hope it works for you!


guest520576 4/11/2020 1:13:

I got one! a neon one...but it will do omg..awwww


phoeb57 4/11/2020 1:22:

Yesss amazing! If you don't like the colour there are sellers on Etsy that do gorgeous skins for them eheh


guest520576 4/11/2020 1:23:

haha, I actually hate the colour lmao, so ill def need a cover on it... can't believe the struggle to get one


guest5194834/11/2020 12:58

Are people buying the insurance that pops up?


phoeb57 4/11/2020 1:07:

I didn't but you should still have a 12 month manufacturers guarantee I think. You can always buy insurance separately too


abbiewankenobi4/12/2020 12:52

It's only taken me like 30 hours but I think I've finally got it? If Amazon cancels I swear 😭😭


alice.h. 4/12/2020 12:53

you r so lucky! i failed again


abbiewankenobi 4/12/2020 1:30:

Don't rely on the browser alerts for Amazon. Either refresh manually or do what I did and get a Chrome plugin and literally have your laptop screen open as you go about your day and keep trying whenever you see a listing from Amazon.


abbiewankenobi 4/12/2020 1:31:

I just kept checking my laptop screen for a refresh update.


guest494792 4/12/2020 10:12

which browser extension did you use?


abbiewankenobi 4/13/2020 3:04:

Auto refresh, set it to 12 seconds I think. I just kept looking up from what I was doing in hope to catch it in stock. From when I had the refresh set up, it did take about 15 hours before I did, and I may have been lucky as it was 1am. But definitely glad I did this, as we don't get the alert on here until it's too late. Also had my default card and delivery preferences set up ready and made sure I typed my password SUPER fast to purchase.


amelzzathenzz4/12/2020 1:29:

I don't understand how I'm suppose to buy quicker than a bot.. Sad


guest4947924/12/2020 9:20:

i kept refreshing thte page and its showed as being in stock each time but it didnt add to my basket.


antmt 4/12/2020 9:24:

Yea i think its just one popping up everytime and its only allowing that person to carry on with the purchase


tally1014/12/2020 1:31:

Pre ordered mine on the 9th, initial delivery was set for the 30th but it came today!


vg16540 4/12/2020 1:49:

Did they send you an email updating your delivery date?


tally101 4/12/2020 4:32:

No email. I just checked my order on my amazon account and the expected delivery had been brought forward


guest5194834/12/2020 3:03:

I managed to get one on the 11th. I was refreshing amazon all day. Some pre-order stocks don't even make it on this site, so your best bet it to just keep refreshing yourself. Another commentor mentioned making sure your card and delivery address are stored as default- so there's no faffing about on checkout which increases your chances! Mine said the expected delivery date was the 30th, and I got an email this morning saying it is now the 20th! Hopefully it might be even earlier than that. Good luck everyone!


guest5171024/12/2020 3:20:

Finally managed to get one ordered. Ordered on the 9th April. Originally marked to deliver on the 28th April but dropped all the way to the 11th. Got marked as delivered but never turned up. Couldn't replace as no stock. Gutted.


wilburkins4/12/2020 4:55:

I managed to order one on the 9th and the delivery date has now been changed to Friday this week. Arriving the same day as the Ring Fit adventure - also from Amazon. I happened to be on my phone when the email from stockinformer came through and I was able to order them with only 3/4 clicks. I got a grey one on 5 monthly instalments so that was good. I would have preferred the neon one but it didn’t have the monthly payments and it was a bit more expensive. I had initially ordered one from Nintendo and then got an email about stock issues so I cancelled as the amazon one seemed more of a sure bet. Don’t let me down amazon!


joeu4/12/2020 7:05:

Got mine today yayyyy


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